Keep up to date with a flow of publication
Full text search can help locate text within a certain corpus, but it doesn't help much with staying up to date with the continuous development of a certain field. Ingesting the daily flood of potentially relevant publications is time-consuming, and so sharing and delegating effort makes a lot of sense. Bims (Biomed News) and NEP (New Economics Papers) are long standing projects in this vein, based on PubMed and RePEc, respectively. They are early examples of expertise sharing systems that deliver digests - human curated sets of the most relevant new publications. Dedicated experts filter the flow of incoming publications in different domains, allowing everyone to stay up to date with the latest developments through publicly available periodic reports on a variety of topics.
This project aims to build a new software tool to allow users to subscribe to these report across different fields of interest. Subscribers get a fully personalised report meaning they will not have to deal with distractions such as duplicate items. The software aims to be generic, so it may be applied to any serial data of records formatted in a structured way.