import copy import os import sys import base64 import hashlib import lxml.etree as etree from datetime import datetime from lxml.builder import ElementMaker import docing import filing ## importing kapro here leads to circle # from kapro import Kapro from nitpo import Nitpo ### no import of repis here, leads to cirular import ## from repis import Repis from emailer import Emailer from xpaths import Xpaths class Surks(Nitpo): def __init__(self, do_verbose=False): """subscriptions""" super().__init__() self.N = "{%s}" % self.const['ns'] self.E = ElementMaker(nsmap={None: self.const['ns']}) self.urdate = None self.emad = None self.event = None # # # self.kapro = Kapro() ### self.repis = Repis() ## moved the routine to emailer self.emailer = Emailer() self.xpaths = Xpaths() self.ele = None self.do_verbose = do_verbose def new(self, event): """used in the register_add""" surk_ele = etree.Element('surk', nsmap=self.const['nsmap']) surk_ele.attrib['repcode'] = event['repcode'] surk_ele.attrib['spro'] = 'v' surk_ele.attrib['from'] = event['time'] if 'name' in event: name_ele = etree.SubElement(surk_ele, 'name', nsmap=self.const['nsmap']) name_ele.text = event['name'] return surk_ele def has_it_live(self, doc, repcode): xp = "//n:live/n:surk[@repcode='" + repcode + "']" found = self.xpaths.none_or_one(doc, xp) if found is None: return False return True def has_it_any_live(self, doc): xp = "//n:live/n:surk" return self.xpaths.has_it(doc, xp) def has_it_dead(self, doc, repcode): xp = "//n:dead/n:surk[@repcode='" + repcode + "']" return self.xpaths.has_it(doc, xp) def death_datim(self, doc, repcode): """uses the doc""" xp = "//n:dead/n:surk[@repcode='" + repcode + "']" found = self.xpaths.one_or_last(doc, xp) if 'until' not in found.attrib: err = print(f"surks: no until for {repcode} in {err}", file=sys.stderr) return None return found.attrib['until'] def birth_datim(self, doc, repcode): xp = "//n:live/n:surk[@repcode='" + repcode + "']" found = self.xpaths.none_or_one(doc, xp) if found is None: return None if 'from' not in found.attrib: err = print(f"surks: no from for {repcode} in {err}", file=sys.stderr) return None return found.attrib['from'] def live_ele(self, doc): xp = "/n:profile/n:live" # got = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) got = self.xpaths.none_or_one(doc, xp) if len(got) == 0: return None return got[0] def death_time(self, doc, repcode): """last time a death occured, not sure if needed""" xp = "//n:dead/n:surk[@repcode='" + repcode + "']" got = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(got) == 0: return None death_time = '' for surk_ele in got: if 'until' not in surk_ele.attrib: continue until = surk_ele.attrib['until'] if until > death_time: death_time = until return death_time def is_test(self, doc, repcode): """last time a death occured, not sure if needed""" xp = "//n:live/n:surk[@repcode='" + repcode + "']" got = self.xpaths.none_or_one(doc, xp) if got is None: return False if 'test' in got.attrib: return True return False def name_ele(self, doc, repcode): xp = "//n:live/n:surk[@repcode='" + repcode + "']/n:name" got = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(got) == 0: return False if len(got) > 1: raise Exception("I can't have several live subscriptions for " + repcode) return got[0] def test_kisu(self, doc, repcode): """uses the urdate to keep the kisu the same over time""" urdate = self.get_urdate(doc) out = self.calc_kisu(self.emad, urdate, repcode) return out def kisu(self, doc, repcode): """from the document""" if self.is_test(doc, repcode): # print("test") out = self.test_kisu(doc, repcode) return out birth = self.birth_datim(doc, repcode) out = self.calc_kisu(self.emad, birth, repcode) return out def calc_kisu(self, in1, in2, in3): string = in1 + in2 + in3 string = string.encode() out = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.md5(string).digest()).decode() out = out[:-2] return out def live_surks_check(self, doc): xp = '/n:profile/n:live/n:surk' live_surk_eles =, xp) by_repcode = {} for live_surk_ele in live_surk_eles: if 'repcode' not in live_surk_ele.attrib: print(f"surks: no repcode on surk", file=sys.stderr) repcode = live_surk_ele.attrib['repcode'] if repcode in by_repcode: out = print(f"duplicate live in\n{doc}") quit() by_repcode[repcode] = 1 def register_del(self, doc, event): import dating self.event = event repcode = event['repcode'] # # get the live repcode surk live_xp = '/n:profile/n:live/n:surk[@repcode="' + repcode + '"]' live_surk_eles = doc.xpath(live_xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(live_surk_eles) > 1: err = "I can't have more than 1 live surk per repcode." raise Exception(err) if len(live_surk_eles) == 1: live_surk_ele = live_surk_eles[0] # # normal case # if live_surk_ele.attrib['from'] < event['time']: if dating.is_it_a_close_date(live_surk_ele.attrib['from'], event['time']): live_surk_ele.attrib['until'] = event['time'] surk_copy = copy.deepcopy(live_surk_ele) if 'via' in event: self.sub_fields(surk_copy, 'via') # # remove from live surks live_surk_ele.getparent().remove(live_surk_ele) # # append to the dead surks xp = '/n:profile/n:dead' dead_eles = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(dead_eles) == 0: # # create dead element xp = '/n:profile' profile_ele = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap'])[0] dead_ele = self.E(self.N + 'dead') profile_ele.append(dead_ele) else: dead_ele = dead_eles[0] dead_ele.append(surk_copy) return doc else: print("profile can't remove a surk from before it started", file=sys.stderr) return None # # make some fixes for historic data dead_xp = '/n:profile/n:dead/n:surk[@repcode="' + repcode + '"]' dead_surk_eles = doc.xpath(dead_xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(dead_surk_eles) == 0: print('dead_xp ' + dead_xp) print("profile want to change a death date but there is no death.") # file=sys.stderr) return None dead_surk_eles.reverse() # # starting with the last for dead_surk_ele in dead_surk_eles: # # in log records, we have events that are earlier than the time # # in the historic data if dead_surk_ele.attrib['until'] == event['time']: return None if dating.is_it_a_close_date(dead_surk_ele.attrib['until'], event['time']): dead_surk_ele.attrib['until'] = event['time'] self.sub_fields(dead_surk_ele, 'via') return doc # # nothing got done err = "nothing done for " + str(event) return None def register_add(self, doc, event, spro='v'): """used for mailman converter""" import dating self.event = event repcode = event['repcode'] xp = '/n:profile/n:live/n:surk[@repcode="' + repcode + '"]' surk_eles = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(surk_eles) > 1: err = "I can't have more than 1 live surk per repcode." raise Exception(err) if len(surk_eles) == 1: do_append = False surk_ele = surk_eles[0] else: do_append = True surk_ele = etree.Element(self.N + 'surk') surk_ele.attrib['repcode'] = event['repcode'] if 'spro' in event: spro = event['spro'] surk_ele.attrib['spro'] = spro # # set time on the surk, if it's a close only # if 'from' not in surk_ele.attrib or surk_ele.attrib['from'] > event['time']: if 'from' not in surk_ele.attrib or \ dating.is_it_a_close_date(surk_ele.attrib['from'], event['time']): surk_ele.attrib['from'] = event['time'] for sub_field in ('name', 'hopa', 'via'): self.sub_fields(surk_ele, sub_field) xp = 'n:live' live_eles = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces={'n': self.const['ns']}) if len(live_eles) == 0: # # create live element xp = '/n:profile' profile_ele = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap'])[0] live_ele = self.E(self.N + 'live') profile_ele.append(live_ele) else: live_ele = live_eles[0] if do_append: live_ele.append(surk_ele) surk_ele = #live_ele.append(surk_ele) return doc def fecha_add(self, profile_doc, repcode, emad, web_ele): """a reduced version of register_add used by fecha""" xp = '/n:profile/n:live/n:surk[@repcode="' + repcode + '"]' surk_ele = self.xpaths.none_or_one(profile_doc, xp) if surk_ele is not None: web_ele.attrib['status'] = 'already_subscribed' web_ele.append(profile_doc.getroot()) ## by default, resent only, i.e. if the mail file ## already exists latest = self.emailer.send_latest(repcode, emad) print(latest) if latest is True: web_ele.attrib['sent'] = 'resent' return web_ele web_ele.attrib['changed'] = 'true' surk_ele = etree.Element(self.N + 'surk') surk_ele.attrib['repcode'] = repcode surk_ele.attrib['from'] =['tf']) self.add_kapro(surk_ele, emad) xp = '/n:profile/n:live' live_ele = self.xpaths.none_or_one(profile_doc, xp) if live_ele is None: # # create live element, should have been there xp = '/n:profile' profile_ele = self.xpaths.none_or_one(profile_doc, xp) live_ele = self.E(self.N + 'live') profile_ele.append(live_ele) ## first addition before the change web_ele.append(profile_doc.getroot()) live_ele.append(surk_ele) profile_doc = self.add_kisus(profile_doc) web_ele.attrib['status'] = 'welcome' ## second append after the change web_ele.append(profile_doc.getroot()) return web_ele def sub_fields(self, surk_ele, field_name): """values such as name and hopa, that are associated with a surk""" if field_name not in self.event: return surk_ele xp = './n:' + field_name field_eles = surk_ele.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(field_eles) > 1: raise Exception("No more that one subfield {field_name}") if len(field_eles) == 0: field_ele = etree.SubElement(surk_ele, self.N + field_name) else: field_ele = field_eles[0] field_ele.text = self.event[field_name] return surk_ele def add_kisus(self, doc): xp = '/n:profile/n:live/n:surk' self.emad = self.get_emad(doc) for surk_ele in doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']): # no kisu for admin if 'spro' in surk_ele.attrib: if surk_ele.attrib['spro'] == 'a': continue if 'test' in surk_ele.attrib: self.urdate = self.get_urdate(doc) repcode = surk_ele.attrib['repcode'] kisu = self.kisu(doc, repcode) old_kisu = None if 'id' in surk_ele.attrib: old_kisu = surk_ele.attrib['id'] surk_ele.attrib['id'] = kisu # print(f"surks changes the kisu for {repcode}") if 'test' in surk_ele.attrib and old_kisu is not None: if surk_ele.attrib['id'] != old_kisu: if(surk_ele.attrib['from'] != self.urdate): raise Exception('kisu should be static for tests') return doc def add(self, doc, repcode, spro='v', sint='s', is_test=False, only_virgin=False): xp = '/n:profile/n:live/n:surk[@repcode="' + repcode + '"]' surk_ele = self.xpaths.none_or_one(doc, xp) if surk_ele is not None: return doc xp = '/n:profile/n:live' live_ele = self.xpaths.none_or_one(doc, xp) if only_virgin and self.has_it_dead(doc, repcode): print(f"surks: {repcode} is not vigin.") return doc if live_ele is None: profile_ele =, '/n:profile') live_ele = etree.SubElement(profile_ele, self.N + 'live') live_ele =, xp) surk_ele = etree.SubElement(live_ele, self.N + 'surk') surk_ele.attrib['repcode'] = repcode surk_ele.attrib['from'] = if is_test is True: surk_ele.attrib['test'] = 'y' if spro == 'a': surk_ele.attrib['spro'] = 'a' if sint == 's': surk_ele.attrib['sint'] = 's' if sint == 'd': surk_ele.attrib['sint'] = 'd' if spro == 'v': surk_ele.attrib['spro'] = 'v' # doc = self.add_kisus(doc) return doc def sint(self, surk_ele): if 'sint' in surk_ele.attrib: return surk_ele.attrib['sint'] if 'spro' not in surk_ele.attrib: return 's' if surk_ele.attrib['spro'] == 'a': return 'd' # just return the default return 's' def spro(self, surk_ele): if 'spro' in surk_ele.attrib: return surk_ele.attrib['spro'] if 'sint' not in surk_ele.attrib: return 'v' if surk_ele.attrib['sint'] == 'd': return 'a' # just return the default return 'v' def set_ele(self, doc, repcode, emad): ## this is wasteful xpb = "/n:profile/n:live/n:surk[@repcode='" + repcode + "']" ## in document data xp = "/*" + xpb eles = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(eles) == 1: self.ele = eles[0] return self.ele if len(eles) > 1: print(f"surks sees multiples {repcode}", file=sys.stderr) xp = xpb eles = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(eles) == 1: self.ele = eles[0] return self.ele if len(eles) > 1: print(f"surks sees multiples {repcode}", file=sys.stderr) xp = "//n:surk[@repcode='" + repcode + "']" # omnibus case xp = "//n:surk[@emad='" + emad + "']" eles = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(eles) > 1: print(f"surks sees multiples {emad}", file=sys.stderr) if len(eles) == 1: self.ele = eles[0] return self.ele print(f"surks sees no surk for {repcode} or {emad} ", file=sys.stderr) if self.is_dev(): quit() def get_emad(self, surk_ele): xp = '@emad' emads = surk_ele.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(emads) > 0: return emads[0] print_surk_ele = etree.tostring(surk_ele, pretty_print=True).decode() print_err = "surks: no emad in \n" + print_surk_ele print(print_err, file=sys.stderr) return None def get_urdate(self, doc): """first date among all surks, to keep kisus for test surks""" xp = '/n:profile/*/n:surk/@from' froms = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(froms) == 0: show = print(f"no urdate in \n\n{show}", file=sys.stderr) return None # bounced email urdate =['tf']) for date in froms: if date < urdate: urdate = date return urdate def get_fidate(self, doc): """last date among all surks and bounced""" dalacha = self.get_dalacha(doc) xp = '/n:profile/@bounced' bounced = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(bounced) == 0 or bounced < dalacha: return dalacha return bounced def get_fidate_OLD(self, doc): """last date among all surks and bounced""" dates = [] xp = '/n:profile/@bounced' bounced = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) if len(bounced) > 0: dates.append(bounced[0]) for bound in ('from', 'until'): xp = '/n:profile/*/n:surk/@' + bound bounds = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) for bound in bounds: dates.append(bound) ## for web element for bound in ('from', 'until'): xp = '/n:web/n:profile[1]/*/n:surk/@' + bound bounds = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) for bound in bounds: dates.append(bound) if len(dates) == 0: show = print(f"no date in \n\n{show}", file=sys.stderr) return None fidate = dates[0] for date in dates: if date > fidate: fidate = date return fidate def get_dates(self, doc): """last date among all surks and bounced""" dates = [] for edge in ('from', 'until'): xp = '/n:profile/*/n:surk/@' + edge bounds = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) for bound in bounds: dates.append(bound) ## for web element xp = '/n:web/n:profile[1]/*/n:surk/@' + edge bounds = doc.xpath(xp, namespaces=self.const['nsmap']) for bound in bounds: dates.append(bound) if len(dates) == 0: show = print(f"no date in \n\n{show}", file=sys.stderr) return None return dates def get_dalacha(self, doc): dates = self.get_dates(doc) dalacha = '' for date in dates: if date > dalacha: dalacha = date return dalacha ### this should be in kapro, but we can't include kapro here def add_kapro(self, surk_ele, emad): """should be called by surks.fecha but it can not import""" if 'repcode' not in surk_ele.attrib: print(f"kapro sees not repcode on the surk", file=sys.stderr) return None repcode = surk_ele.attrib['repcode'] kapro_fufi = self.conf['folders']['kapro'] + '/' + repcode + '.json.gz' surks_data = {} if os.path.isfile(kapro_fufi): surks_data = filing.load(kapro_fufi) ## called by fetcha, can only do smart subscriptions surks_data[emad] = 's' filing.dump(kapro_fufi, surks_data)