from nitpo import Nitpo import copy import filing # import subprocess import json # only needed for testnig import time # debugging import docing from reports import Reports import lxml.etree as etree from anpro import Anpro from profile import Profile from surks import Surks from vakis import Vakis from xpaths import Xpaths class Fecha(Nitpo): def __init__(self, do_verbose=False): super().__init__() self.do_verbose = do_verbose self.anpro = Anpro() self.profile = Profile() self.reports = Reports() self.surks = Surks() self.vakis = Vakis() self.xpaths = Xpaths() self.out = {} return None def output(self, env, preps): is_it_parsed = self.parse_uri(env, preps) if not is_it_parsed: ## signals error return {} return self.out def parse_uri(self, env, preps): raw_uri = env['RAW_URI'] self.out['raw_uri'] = env['RAW_URI'] repcode = None emad = None out = preps['res']['re'].fullmatch(raw_uri) if out is None: # # let generate a human response return False #else: # self.out['perid'] = out.groups(0)[2] repcode = out.groups(0)[0] ## syntax check for repcode, if it fails, ## we use a human-readable page if not preps['res']['repcode'].fullmatch(repcode): return False ## now we need to get started with proding a fetcha output web_ele = copy.deepcopy(preps['web_ele']) emad = out.groups(0)[1] # # questionable whether we should # if not self.reports.does_it_exist(repcode): if not self.reports.does_it_exist(repcode): web_ele.attrib['status'] = 'bad_report' # time.sleep(6) web_ele.attrib['repcode'] = repcode self.out['repcode'] = repcode web_ele.attrib['emad'] = emad self.out['emad'] = emad web_ele = self.deal_with_profile(repcode, emad, web_ele) ## for debugging # filing.install_xml(web_ele, '/tmp/fecha.xml') web_doc = etree.ElementTree(web_ele) filing.install_xml(web_ele, '/tmp/fecha.xml') message = str(preps['sheets']['fecha'](web_doc)) self.out['message'] = message return True def deal_with_profile(self, repcode, emad, web_ele): profile_doc = self.profile.load(emad) bounced = self.profile.is_bounced(profile_doc) if bounced is not None: web_ele.attrib['bounced'] = bounced self.out['bounced'] = bounced ## web_ele contains the profile_doc web_ele = self.surks.fecha_add(profile_doc, repcode, emad, web_ele) if 'changed' not in web_ele.attrib: return web_ele profile_ele = self.xpaths.none_or_one(web_ele, '/n:web/n:profile') if profile_ele is None: # # nothing to write, should not be the case return web_ele #print(etree.tostring(web_ele, pretty_print=True).decode()) self.profile.doc = etree.ElementTree(profile_ele) ## register vakis profile_fufi = self.profile.fufi_from_emad(emad) self.profile.write(profile_doc) now = self.anpro.from_doc(profile_doc, source="fecha", time=now) self.vakis.read_single(profile_fufi) return web_ele