This project aims to build a new software tool to allow users to subscribe to these report across different fields of interest. Subscribers get a fully personalised report meaning they will not have to deal with distractions such as duplicate items. The software aims to be generic, so it may be applied to any serial data of records formatted in a structured way.
The project built a generic software that does allows user to subscribe to potentially overlapping reports where
The project’s own website:

nitpo: the new items poster

This the homepage of the nitpo software.
The main documentation is in nitpo documentation in wordprocessing format.
You can browse the software.
You can nitpo.tar.gz has a tarball. This is all the data is the browser except for the obsolete software.
A git interface is in the works.
The software was written as a result of a pledge of funding for the sebeg project. That project is now finished but the development of nitpo will continue.
For any questions, contact Thomas Krichel.