Email for expert news: the sebeg project
Sebeg project is a project run by me, Thomas Krichel. I
applied to
the NGI Zero Discovery program.
After NLnet pledged €5000, I started the project. The title “Email
for expert news” says what the project is about. The project
implements what I wrote in the proposal. But it will not do all
that a final system should do. Thus comes the motivation for a
code name. I gleaned it on Wikipedia’s list of Egyptian deities,
where I read “Sebeg - Personification of the planet Mercury”. I
apologize to the admirable South East Bus Enthusiast Group.
Project extent
The title of the project explains the reason I do it.
The project itself does two things.
sebeg is a starting contribution to a new software called nitpo. The acronym stands
for “new items poster”. Nitpo assumes dated
sets of items formatted as collections XML elements. From each
dated set, potentially overlapping sub-sets of items have been
created, by external forces (people or software) in a
non-coordinated fashion. Users are interested in one or more of
these subsets. They can subscribe to receive email reflecting
the subsets. These emails will be customized by removing
duplicates that may be present across subsets.
this abstract functionality is not tied to an expertise sharing
- sebeg implements nitpo for “bims: Biomed News” and “NEP: New Economics Papers”.
These are indeed expertise sharing systems. Accordingly, project
phases are complete only when the nitpo code is running for both
projects in production.
Project phasis
There are three project phases, or milestones
- 1. Base: €1600
- This operates the
full service on an externally given stock of subscription data. For
NEP, that requires some gateway software with Mailman via shell
scripts. For nitpo this includes operating deduplication. For the
implementation, this requires exports of documents and style sheets.
2.Signoff: €1400
Email sent contains
an unsubscribe link. At that target, an unsubscribe handler handles
the request. Thus we need to introduce a web interface. Subscribers
are sent a confirmation email that they have been unsubscribed. the
unsubscribe is confirmed out by a shell call.
- 3. Subscribe and other odds and ends: €2000
- Subscription links
are set to ernad report pages. Thus they become dynamic.
Subscriptions are subject to the activation of a confirmation email.
This stage includes any other work that needs to be carried out, such
as formalities imposed by the funders.
2022–01‒07 current version is fired up via ernad
2021–12‒15 opened website
2021‒12‒13 set up mirroring from trabbi
2021‒12‒05 caching of profiles is set up
2021‒12‒03 update from mailman to profiles appears operational
2021‒11‒30 final application of full conversion
2021‒11‒23 membership directory done
2021‒11‒07 note of project acceptance